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Why mobile phones can be bad for your babies

 mobile phones can be bad for your baby

The number of mobile phones in use around the world has grown immensely over the past decade, and there are now approximately 3 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide.


bad phone for babies

This increased accessibility has raised some concerns, particularly in terms of children’s use of mobile phones. 

While it’s still uncertain whether or not mobile phones pose any real threat to your baby, here are some things you should consider before letting your child use a mobile phone. 

The impacts of screen time on children

Regardless of whether or not a child has access to a screen at home, most of their friends are sure to have one.

 In fact, studies suggest that most 10-12-year-olds spend an average of two hours a day using screens!

 The effects of too much screen time on developing brains are still largely unknown, but there’s no doubt that regular exposure to bright light, physical inactivity, and social withdrawal has an impact on cognitive and social development. So keep these things in mind if you think your child might benefit from reducing screen time. 

And here’s something else to consider: Most kids prefer digital interaction over personal interaction.

 And since they often look up to people online – celebrities and other influencers – they may feel a false sense of importance if they regularly engage with them through their phone.

 In other words, it's unlikely that having Instagram friends will give your kid any real boost in self-esteem. 

Kids will always find ways to criticize themselves and face challenges; meanwhile, cyberbullying is very real, particularly among adolescents who already struggle with body image issues like poor body image, gender identity disorder, or depression... all issues which can lead to suicide attempts among teens who see those qualities as extreme flaws instead of internal traits than can (and should) be accepted by all.

The risks of radiation

Exposure to radiation from a cell phone poses no known harm, but some parents worry about what effects might be caused by continued exposure over time.

 One concern is that radiation from cell phones could cause cancer, which isn’t supported by existing research.

 Another worry is that children’s developing brains might be affected when they use mobile devices for long periods. 

Though studies have not conclusively shown harm, experts recommend keeping children away from large amounts of wireless transmission and limiting their usage.

Ways to limit exposure

While a connection between excessive cell phone use and diminished attention span in teens has yet to be proven, there are ways to limit your exposure if you’re concerned.

 One of these ways is to keep all cell phones out of bedrooms; recent research shows that bedroom access has more of an impact on teen health than overall cell phone usage.
