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Babies Cry During A Diaper Change


Why Babies Cry During A Diaper Change

Changing diapers can bring babies to tears. 

Not because parents are doing anything incorrectly but because of developmental or physical reasons on the part of babies

But if parents can tune into why babies are crying, they can reduce the frequency with which babies cry while they are getting their diapers changed. As such, it helps to be able to decipher why babies cry when they are getting their diapers changed.

The smaller the baby the worse it is to hear them cry.

 But with so much developmentally going on with babies, it is not unheard of for them to cry while going through the motions of baths, changing clothes, and diaper changes. 

But as babies get used to these tasks, they will cry less. Making life easier for both parents and babies alike. 

Here is why babies cry during a diaper change.

Babies Cry During A Diaper Change

Babies Cry During Diaper Change Because They Are Cold

Be it in their footed pajamas or soft, cozy clothing, babies are generally quite comfortable when they are dressed and their body heat is close to their bodies. As such, it is not surprising that when clothes have to be taken off for a diaper change and that body heat is lost that babies cry.

According to Seattle Children's, one of the reasons babies cry is because they are uncomfortable. One of the most common ways that babies are uncomfortable is a result of their body temperatures. As such, if it is cool when changing a diaper, if there are ways to keep babies warmer, such as by keeping arms covered or partially putting a blanket on babies, it may stop the crying when diaper changes are necessary.

Diaper Changes Can Be Confusing For Babies

Newborns are trying to figure out the world around them. They are also trying to figure out their body functions as well. As such, when their diapers are changed, babies may cry because they are confused about the process of the diaper change.

According to Aha! Parenting, parents can take an opportunity to bond with their babies during a diaper change to help babies get used to being changed. Part of doing this is to slow down during the changing process so that it is not so potentially scary for little ones.

Over time, the more diapers that are changed, and the more used babies become to the process, the crying should subside. Much of this is a result of helping babies to understand what diaper changes are at a young age.

When Babies Are Hungry During Diaper Changes They May Cry

If babies are hungry during a diaper change, they will cry. But because diaper changes need to be accomplished, there truly is not much that can be done to help this situation, especially when changing babies after a nap.

According to BabyCentre, the biggest reason that babies cry is that they are hungry. And if babies are being changed versus being given the breast milk or formula they desire, they are going to get frustrated. This frustration will lead to tears and will not end until babies get the sustenance they need to end hungry stomachs.

No parent wants to leave their babies in dirty diapers while little ones feed. As such, checking the diaper a short time before babies normally eat may help to ease the crying. But short of letting little ones stay in wet and dirty diapers, there is truly not much that can be done about crying hungry babies who need to be changed.

Babies With Acid Reflux May Cry During Diaper Change

When babies suffer from acid reflux, the position they are in can make all the difference in the world in their pain level. One of those ways is not laying prone.

According to Healthline, the best position for babies with acid reflux to be in is at an incline. When they lay back, it can cause the acid to travel upwards, leaving an uncomfortable path along the way.

Because of this, if parents can slightly elevate their babies' heads while changing their diapers, there is bound to be much less crying. This is simply because the amount of stomach acid the esophagus is being exposed to is lessened, making the process of diaper changes much more comfortable to deal with.

Babies Get Upset When Taken Away From Working On Skills

As babies become more mobile, they are constantly working on their developmental skills. The more babies work at them, the faster they learn the skill. As such, babies can become upset when taken away from practicing attempting to roll over, crawl, push themselves up, or the like, all in the name of changing a diaper.

According to, when babies practice their developmental skills, it is generally through play. As such, it is no surprise that babies do not want to stop playing to have their diapers changed. If they had their way, diapers changes could wait until a later time.

Therefore, if taking babies away from developmental playtime to change a diaper, parents should not be surprised if there are tears as a result.

Source: Seattle Children's, Aha! Parenting, BabyCentre, Healthline,

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