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Babies Start Talking:When do babies babble?

 When Babies Start Talking

When babies first start talking, they’re not yet fully formed. You can tell, though; the first time your little one says Mama or Dada (or even something else) you know that this is something special—and it’s only the beginning of the many milestones to come! 

How does your baby learn how to talk? 

What does this mean for his development in other areas? 

And how will you know when it happens?

babies start talking

 Keep reading to learn all about when babies start talking, including what signs to look out for and how you can help further his progress.

Physical Stages

The average child starts talking when they’re around 1.5 years old, although there is a wide range of normal—from 8 months to 3 years of age.

 As children get older, they gain more experience interacting with their surroundings; they develop increased hearing acuity and learn more language and vocabulary through observation and trial-and-error imitation. 

These factors help them move from cooing to babbling to words and sentences. 

If your baby doesn’t speak by 16 months, talk to your pediatrician. Speak up! Whether or not you realize it, your voice has an enormous influence on how quickly babies start talking and what languages they pick up as well as what skills come easily to them later in life.

 If you play games like Peekaboo every day or sing songs while driving in the car (see: baby Mozart), your baby will be at an advantage compared with those who don't do these things regularly.

Age 4 Months

When your baby is four months old, she’ll probably babble and coo a bit. It’s still early in her life, so you shouldn’t get too excited yet—babies can babble starting around 2-3 months. 

But if she seems more interested in listening to her own voice than usual, it might be time to start paying attention to signs of language development.

 Most babies who develop speech skills do so before they turn 12 months old. If your baby isn’t saying words by that age, it could mean he has developmental delays or issues with hearing or vision problems (although many kids with no physical problems just aren't talkers). 

Most pediatricians begin testing at 15 or 18 months. Your child's unique personality will dictate how quickly he learns language, but by 4-5 years old, most children are on par with other kids their age.

 Still, concerned? 

Consider asking your pediatrician about his policy on screening earlier than most doctors recommend; while there's no magic age at which kids should start talking (or reading), an early diagnosis can help connect families with speech therapists who can help them make progress as soon as possible.

When do babies babble?

In a matter of fact, they start babbling long before they start to speak in complete sentences.

 Most children babble by 3 months old, but it varies from child to child. It’s hard to say what exactly causes babies to babble, but studies show that by 6 months of age babies can distinguish their mother’s voice from other people’s voices. 

babies and babble?

They may also have learned at least one word by then. Some common words include mama, dada, and nana; those who don’t learn these usually stick with a non-language-based form of communication.

During the peak babbling phase (between 5 and 12 months), your baby should be saying recognizable words like dad or more.

By his first birthday, he should know about 10 words and phrases, though some kids make as few as six new sounds or gestures by then. But every baby is different!
